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The Damascus Wildlife Rangers are the oldest
operating Cowboy Action Shooting™ Club in Md.
2025 is our 28th Year!
All proceeds, from the Cowboy Action Shoots, are donated to the Wildlife
Achievement Chapter, Inc.,
of the Izaak Walton League of America, to help support their conservation
and community projects in the Damascus area.
Last Update For This Page Was 2-2-2025 @
1:17 PM
Cowboy Action Shooting™ is a shooting sport created
in 1982 by a few gentlemen now know as the Wild Bunch. In 1987 they officially
formed the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS). Originally based in Yorba
Linda, California, SASS
eventually moved their operation to Founders Ranch in New Mexico. SASS is the largest and most widely accepted organization for western style shooting.
The Damascus Wildlife Rangers are SASS affiliated and we use SASS rules.
We are sponsored by the Wildlife
Achievement Chapter Inc. of the Izaak Walton League of America.
All of our proceeds are donated to the Izaak Walton League.
The sport recreates life in the old west through shooting courses of fire
(called stages) designed to depict a movie scene, an old west historical
shootout or just someone's idea of how it may have been in the late 1800's.
For obvious safety reasons, it is highly recommended that shooters a have previous shooting
experience and be familiar with the safe operation of single action revolvers, rifles and shotguns.
A Cowboy Action Shooting
competition is not the venue to receive your initial firearms training.
To add to the "fantasy" experience, all shooters are required to wear some
form of period dress. Typically, long pants (or dresses for the ladies),
boots, cowboy hat and shirts with long sleeves. No shorts, ball caps or
advertising is permitted on any clothing. For firearms, you will need two single
action pistols, a lever action rifle (in a pistol caliber) and a side by
side shotgun (without ejectors) or a Winchester model 1897 pump shotgun (or
reproduction) with an exposed hammer.
Guns generally must be designed prior to 1900 but modern versions like
the Ruger Blackhawk & Vaquero or Colt clones are acceptable. You will need holsters and
a carrier for shotshells. All bullets are lead only and have feet per second
But, most importantly, you will need and Alias! Pick a name that fits
your personality, job, chosen western character or one that just sounds good.
If you join SASS (we highly recommend that you do), they will issue
you a badge (with your personal SASS member number) and register your alias.
Your alias is unique to you and is never duplicated. Be prepared to
change your original choice for an alias, it may have already been taken.
Joining SASS or the Damascus Wildlife Rangers is not a requirement to shoot
in our monthly matches. However, SASS membership is required for SASS
sanctioned, state level and above, matches.
As you participate in the sport you will learn there is a rule called "The
Spirit Of The Game. This rule is the foundation of Cowboy Action
Shooting. "The Spirit Of The Game" signifies that we are
participating for FUN. Because there are no prizes for winning a match, the
incentive to play is FUN. If you are willing to sacrifice FUN for a
victory, then this is not the game for you. The only prize is to have
bragging rights over your pardners until the next match.
Complete SASS Rules are available in one of their
Handbooks. If you are interested
in participating, the best way to learn more is by visiting the
SASS web site and going to watch
a Cowboy Action Shooting monthly match or two. All clubs welcome visitors
and are eager to explain what is involved. Bring eye and ear protection.
You will find that Cowboy Action Shooters are the friendliest folks on the
planet. Because we all share a fondness for the old west and the firearms
of the time, we have an immediate bond that expands into long term friendships.
For additional information contact the
Single Action Shooting Society
1-877-411-7277 or
Maryland Territorial Governor Chuck Crooks AKA
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The next new cowboy shooter clinic, at Damascus, will be on April 6th, 2025. Class size is limited to 15 shooting students and seats are on a first come, first serve basis. Pre-registration is required, no walk ins.
This class sells out often and class size is limited. Applications must be mailed with class registration fee in order to guarantee your reservation. If, after registering, you cannot make the class, please let us know so we can make your seat available.
You can fill out the application while viewing it on your PC and then print it. You can make yourself a copy and I will be able to read the one you send me! APPLICATION HERE
The purpose of the clinics is to introduce the sport to potential enthusiasts who'd like to give it a try without "the whole world watching." Though playing the game under the watchful eye of the Range Officer and their timer is part of the fun, that can be a little intimidating if you're new at it. SAFETY and fun are the real focus of the sport, and we'd like to be sure everyone gets off to the right start. Students will learn how the game is played, hear the SASS rules, see the equipment and accessories that are required, and get a chance to try out the range of firearms that are appropriate to the sport. A history of the sport is included in the classroom portion. You can look at the Clinic Outline to see what's covered. Atlantic Guns and the Damascus Wildlife Rangers provide all equipment and ammo, if students do not have their own yet. Each person will get the chance to shoot real cowboy hoglegs, a scatter gun and lever action rifle! You will feel the fear of that dang buzzer and learn what real brain fade is like!
The clinics are not meant to be initial firearms training. Students must already be familiar with the safe use and unassisted loading of revolvers, rifles and shotguns. If you do not have experience, you can take the classroom portion but, you can only observe the live fire portion. For additional information contact Chuckaroo 301-831-9666. You will be required to complete a waiver that includes your experience competency in order to participate in the shooting portion. Having fired a gun sometime in your life, is not sufficient experience with firearms in order to participate in the live fire portion of the class.
Many thanks to Atlantic Guns for again providing all of the clinic ammo! Clinic volunteers on September 8, 2024 made it happen!, JR Gomez, Annie Jean Oakley, Tom Toben, Snapshot Sandy, Mt. Airy Undertaker, Lightning Rider, Short Toed Steve, old Baldy, Maureen Holland and Chuckaroo.
Scores For All DWR Matches Are Archived
Our Match Scores section now has every score from every match we have ever had with the Damascus Wildlife Rangers. That includes scores from our very first match in March 1998, to present. It is interesting to see how the categories have increased, and how many more ladies and youngsters are participating.
The Damascus Wildlife Rangers Stages Are On The Web!
If the weather cooperates in March, these are our stages for March 2025 and the questions for the trivia test when the scores will be read.
E-Mail List
The Damascus Wildlife Rangers has a large, optional, e-mail list that is used to inform its members and participating non-members about Cowboy Action Shooting news for our club and other clubs in the area.
Information about Cowboy Action in the Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia and Pennsylvania areas will be sent out weekly, as reminders of upcoming events and activities. The subject title will be in ALL CAPS and it will be obvious that it is from us. The weekly reminders will be titled, "COWBOY THIS WEEK."
All addresses are hidden, except for the recipient, and the list is not used for any other purpose. It is not used to broadcast junk mail or items not associated with the sport of Cowboy Action Shooting™. If you would like to be added or deleted from the list, please e-mail Chuckaroo and request to be "Added or deleted" from the "Cowboy E-mail" list. Care is taken to enter the e-mail address that the shooters place on their match registration forms. Unfortunately, some addresses are incorrect, or unreadable.
If an address is returned, as undeliverable two times, it will be deleted from the list. This includes "full" mailboxes more than three times. If you are not getting weekly reminders about upcoming shoots and events, please submit your address again via e-mail.
Many corporate and government servers do not allow incoming bulk bail, (like our mailing list) and they will block them. If you are not getting mail from us, at least one a week, the odds are it is being blocked by your employer. You are better off using a home E-mail address for uninterrupted service.
Some Spam Blockers will return E-mail to us. If this happens two times in a month, your address will be deleted from the list. Other Spam controls will place bulk mail in your Spam folder, so check for re-routed E-mails and, if possible, add IzaakWaltonWAC@iwlwac.org to your accepted E-mail listings. All group e-mails will be sent from IzaakWaltonWAC@iwlwac.org - Chuckaroo
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The Wildlife Achievement Chapter Inc., of the Izaak
Walton League of America, in Damascus Md., is the host club for the Cowboy
Action Shoots. Being a member of this Izaak Walton League is not a requirement
for participation in the regular shoots however, we are open for new members.
SASS Rules (Single Action Shooting Society) apply to all shoots and
new Cowboy shooters are welcome to join in on the fun! You must be in costume!
No Sneakers or ball caps allowed. We will maintain the
"Spirit of the Game." The undeniable attraction to the
sport of Cowboy Action Shooting is participating in a group shootin' activity
where winning is not the main goal. Having fun, shootin' old time shootin'
irons and razzin' your fellow pardners is really what it's all about. If
you are the type that is willing to sacrifice fun for a victory, then you
haven't embraced the "Spirit of the Game"
and should consider a different form of shooting competition.
Remember the motto " No target is too close or so large
that it can't be missed " and the slogan " It's not how good
you shoot, it's how good you look shootin'. "
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Our shoot schedule is the
2nd Saturday
of the month from March thru November
June is our "Thunder Valley Days" annual match & the
SASS MD State Championship of Cowboy Action Shooting™
This match is by pre registration only and requires that all shooters are
current SASS members.
All other regular monthly matches are the second Saturday
(March thru November). Registration starts at 8:00 AM and closes at 9:15
AM (promptly), the mandatory safety meeting is at 9:45 AM and the shoot
begins at 10:00 AM. You do not have to
be a member of the Izaak Walton League or SASS to participate in a monthly
match. (The State Championship requires SASS Membership). Members of the
Wildlife Achievement Club Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America are
automatically members of the "Damascus Wildlife Rangers". The
monthly match cost to members is $5.00 and non-members $10.00. For vendors,
we have free outdoor vendors spaces on a first come first serve basis. Vendors,
Dogmeat Dad for additional information. Lunch, for a nominal fee, will
be available on Saturday and prepared by our Boy Scout Troop 945. Set
up will be the Friday before each match at 1:00 PM, please
help with set up if you can. The
IWLA-WAC rifle and pistol ranges will be closed from set up on Friday at 1:00 PM through
clean up of the match on Saturday around 4:00 PM.
Visitors are welcome at all matches at no charge. You do need to bring ear and
eye protection. No visitor pets are allowed.
All shooters and spectators are required to use ear and eye protection.
If you are not sure of the rules, contact
Dogmeat Dad BEFORE the
match date! Participants must have cowboy hat, boots, long sleeve shirt,
long pants, proper firearms, holsters and an Alias to be able to shoot.
No sneakers, ball caps or clothing logos!!! All matches are held Rain or
Shine. We follow SASS Rules and their "Spirit of the Game." All SASS
Rules are in the
Handbooks available on line.
This is not the sport to learn how to shoot
a firearm. |
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It is a good idea to verify shoot information with
the club contacts provided, or by checking their web site.
Most clubs
have directions on their web site. Visitors are welcome at all events at
no charge,
please bring ear and eye protection. Some clubs have rules
against visitor pets.
Please check with the club contact before bringing
your pet to a match.
All matches are rain or shine, unless noted.
Club Name: The Perry County Regulators Regular Shoot Dates: 1st Saturday of the month from April thru November. Food: Lunch is included in shooters fee, and it is a good one! Registration: 8:00 AM to 9:15 AM. Safety talk is 9:30 AM. Annual Match: July is the PA State BP Championship "Smoke N Fire" Annual Match: "Cow Camp" in September. 3 day event and includes a "Cow Camp" with camping on Friday. Range Location: Ickesburg Sportsman's Club in Ickesburg, PA. Contact: Tuscarrora Slim call 717-789-3004 for additional information. |
Club Name: Eas'dern Shore Renegades Regular Shoot Dates: 1st Saturday year round (October is 2nd Saturday)
included in match fees Contacts: Gunpowder John match director at 410-924-7284 |
Sunday |
Sunday Club Name: Thurmont Rangers Registration: 8:00 AM to 9:15 AM. Mandatory safety talk is 9:45 and the fun starts at 10:00. Annual Match: Mason Dixon Stampede Range Location: Thurmont Conservation and Sportsman's Club, Thurmont, MD. Contact: Dutch Coroner 202-330-8545 |
Tuesday, 2nd Tuesday, 2025 Dates Club Name: The Virginia City Marshal's Regular Shoot Dates: 1st Tuesday - April 1st, May 6th, August 5th, September 2nd, October 7, November 4th, December 2nd Regular Shoot Dates: 2nd Tuesday - Feb 11th, March 11th, June 10th, July 8th, Annual Match: Wednesday January 1st 2025 High Noon Food: None Registration: Sign up starts at 5:00, mandatory safety talk at 6:45, and fun starting at 7 PM. Range Location: NRA National Headquarters in Fairfax, VA., an indoor range. Contacts: President, Humphrey Hook (TG) Rawhide Ron 301-659-7614 Contact While Humphery Hook is recooperating is (TG) Rawhide Ron 301-659-7614 Additional Information: Visit the National Firearms Museum, right there at the NRA Headquarters (free), and then take in a challenging cowboy shoot. |
Saturday Club Name: Damascus Wildlife Rangers in Damascus, Md. Regular Shoot Dates: 2nd Saturday of the month from March thru November. Set Up: The Friday before the match starting at 1:00 PM Food: Lunch is available Registration: 8:00 AM to 9:15 AM. Safety talk is 9:45 AM. Annual Match: June is the SASS Maryland State Championship "Thunder Valley Days." Range Location: Izaak Walton League near Damascus Md. See web page for directions and a map. Contact: Dogmeat Dad |
Saturday Club Name: Logan's Ferry Regulators Regular Shoot Dates: 2nd Saturday of the month, from April thru November (Nov. weather permitting) Food: Lunch Available for donation. Registration: 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM. Mandatory Safety Talk at 9:30 AM. Annual Match: None at this time Range Location: Logan's Ferry Sportsman's Club, Plum Borough, PA Contact: Dirt Slider 724-727-7879 |
Saturday Club Name: K C's Corral Wild Bunch Wild Bunch Matches: 2nd Sunday March thru October Set Up: The Friday before the shoot at 2:00 PM Food: Available most months, check with contact first Registration: 9:00 AM to 9:30 AM. Safety talk is 9:30 AM. June, July and August one hour earlier Annual Match: "Thunder In The Brush" held in May Range Location: 4292 Range Rd., Mechanicsville, VA 23111 Contacts: Bucksaw Bob, Shenny Sheno 804-445-4199 |
Regular Shoot Dates: 2nd Saturday of the month March through October Food: None Registration: $15 8:00-9:00. Safety talk is at 9:15. Annual Match:
None at this time Contact: Match Director: Biloxi Bob – biloxibob357@gmail.com |
Sunday Club Name: Blue Ridge Regulators Regular Shoot Dates: 2nd Sunday, March through October. Food: Unknown, check with club Registration: Unknown Annual Match: None at this time Range Location: Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, just north of Lexington. See their web site for additional information Contact: Dig 'em Deep |
Saturday Club Name: K C's Corral Regular Shoot Dates: 3rd Saturday of the month all year round (except March) Set Up: The Friday before the shoot at 2:00 PM Food: Available most months, check with contact first Registration: 9:00 AM to 9:30 AM. Safety talk is 9:30 AM. June, July and August one hour earlier Annual Match: "Thunder In The Brush" held on the May Range Location: 4292 Range Rd., Mechanicsville, VA 23111 Contacts: Bucksaw Bob, Shenny Sheno 804-445-4199 |
Saturday Club Name: The Jefferson Outlaws Regular Shoot Dates: 3rd Saturday of the month, March thru November. Set Up: The Friday before the shoot at 9:30 AM Food: None, bring your own lunch 2025 Schedule 3/15, 4/19, 5/17, 6/14, 7/19, 8/16, 9/20, 10/18, 11/15 Registration: 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM. Safety talk is 9:45 AM. Annual Match: None at this time Range Location: Jefferson Rifle Club, Inc. in Southern Pennsylvania, located between York and Hanover Contact: Hud McCoy |
Sunday Club Name: The Silver Lake Bounty Hunters Regular Shoot Dates: 3rd Sunday of the month, March through October (November if the weather lets them). Food: Unknown, check with club Registration: Registration is from 9-9:30 AM. Safety meeting at 9:45 AM. Shooting starts at 10:00 AM Annual Match: Unknown Range Location: Silver Lake Gun Cub located in Silver Lake, PA. between Scranton, PA. and Binghamton, NY Contact: Buckshot Blackman at 570-663-3045 |
Sunday Club Name: Paden's Posse (Delaware) Regular Shoot Dates: Every 3rd Sunday all year long. Food: Not provided at this time Registration: Start time and safety meeting is at 9 AM. Match fee ($10) Annual Match: DE State Championship "Sussex County Shootout" Range Location: Bridgeville Rifle and Pistol Club, Bridgeville, DE Contact: Deacon Will (AKA William Bell) 302 422-6534 |
Club Name: Cowboy Action Shooting Sports CASS Regular Shoot Dates: Normally the 4th Saturday of the month March thru October Food: Bring your own Registration: 9:00 AM to 9:45 AM. Safety talk is 9:45 AM. Annual Match: West Virginia State Championship "Appalachian Showdown" in October Range Location: Near Berkley Springs, W. VA. Contact: Rawhide Ron 301-659-7614 WILD BUNCH MATCHES on Select Dates |
Sunday Club Name: "Bend of Trail" Regular Shoot Dates: 4th Sunday of the month, from January through September (Ice/Snow will cancel, check web site) Food: Bring Your Own Lunch Registration: Begins at 9:00 AM and safety meeting is at 9:30 AM. Cost: Members $10, Non-Members $15, Under 18 years old free Annual Match: Range Location: Roanoke Rifle and Revolver Club, Roanoke, VA. 1305 Gun Club Dr., Hardy, VA. 24101 Contact: Redrider Slim 540-855-4459 |
If you would like to change your clubs listing or
have your club added to the above list, contact
SASS Listing of
Worldwide Affiliated Cowboy Action
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Club Annual & Special Match Dates |
Name Of Shoot |
Club Name |
Location |
Dates |
Type |
Smoke On The Mattaponi | The Mattaponi Sundowners | West Point, VA | May |
SASS Virginia
State Black Powder Shootout |
Thunder Valley Days |
Damascus, MD |
June |
SASS MD State |
Smoke On The Ridge | Perry County Regulators | Ickesburg, PA |
July |
PA Black Powder |
Gunfight at Double C |
Cavalier Cowboys | Richmond, VA |
Weekend Before |
SASS VA State Championship |
Appalachian Showdown |
Berkley Springs, WV |
October |
SASS WV State |
Mason Dixon Stampede |
Thurmont, MD |
August |
Clubs Annual Match |
Sussex County Range War | Wavery, VA | October | Clubs Annual 3 Day Shoot |
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The Damascus Wildlife Rangers and their host range, the Wildlife Achievement Chapter Inc. Of the Izaak Walton League Of America, has a few additional range rules. Any round over the berm is a match disqualification. We require a minimum of 650 FPS in all rifle and pistol rounds (black Powder is exempt). We do not permit hip shooting of any firearms. There is no alcohol or drugs permitted on the range. If you are caught with either, you will be banned for one year. If you are caught a second time, you will be banned for life. We share this information to the other clubs in the area.
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We offer memberships in the "Damascus Wildlife Rangers"
for cowboy shooters. These memberships will be outside of the Izaak Walton
memberships and do not provide the benefits that a regular IWLA Membership
does. However, for people that live a distance away, it is an opportunity
to join the club without the expense of a full IWLA club membership. "Damascus
Wildlife Rangers" single memberships will be $35, with spouse an additional
$20. Young Guns and Buckaroos' (16 and under) are free when added to a parents
membership. Members get to shoot
the matches at half price ($5 instead of $10) and can order the club badge.
All members must be current SASS members. Applications are available at club matches or you can download the
Damascus Wildlife
Rangers Application, you can fill out the application,
while viewing it, and then print it. To view the application, you
will need Adobe Acrobat Reader. Adobe is available free here
Most Of Us Are
Exempt From The Training.
For additional information, contact
Chuckaroo. Members of
the Damascus Izaak Walton (Wildlife Achievement Chapter Inc.) automatically
become members if the Damascus Wildlife Rangers once they have participated
in one of our matches and joined SASS. For full Izaak Walton League membership
information, click on Izaak Walton League Membership Information located
on the IWLA main
page. Membership is on a calendar year.
Everyone Needs An HQL
to possession of the HQL License (If you fall
under one of these exemptions, you do not need and
HQL to purchase a regulated firearm).
to have the HQL, but exempt from the training component
Because most of us already have a regulated firearm,
we are exempt from the training portion. You will
need to get digital fingerprints taken. When you do,
you will be given a serial number associated with
those prints. This number will be needed for the HQL
application. Once you get the prints, complete the
application as they are only good for about a month.
The cost for the application (good for 10 years) is
$50. The cost of the fingerprints varies but is
around $35 to $55 dollars. There is a listing
of places to have your fingerprints taken on the web
site listed above.
There is no change in the laws regarding
non-regulated long guns, like rifles and shotguns.
You may still purchase these without a HQL.
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The following sponsors contribute doors prizes, help and assistance to us on a regular basis and have helped make the sport of Cowboy Action Shooting the great family activity that it is. Please make them your first choice when looking for Cowboy Gear.
601 Hungerford Dr. - Rockville, MD. 20850 301-279-7983
Atlantic Guns
944 Bonifant St. - Silver Spring, MD. 20901 301-585-4448
Cowboy Firearms - Ammunition - Clothing - Reloading and Shooting
Chuckaroo's Engraving
Laser Engraving For The Cowboy's / Cowgirls & Their Stuff
Cowboy Shop
Berkeley Springs, WV 304-258-1516
Gunsmithing & Action Jobs For Your Cowboy Firearms
Don Jones AKA "Cody Conagher" SASS 6986
Missouri Marshals Loading Blocks
"Missouri Marshal" SASS 50682
Outstanding Loading Blocks!
TPG Leathers
"Corkscrew Tom" SASS 68972
Awesome leather Work!
Salisbury, Maryland
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U.S. and State of Maryland
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Through a special NRA program, you may now join or renew your NRA Membership
through this web site.
When you go through this special link, the NRA will donate a substantial
portion of your dues to our junior shooting program. This is a wonderful
opportunity to have your NRA dues come back to assist this great program
within our chapter. To help make a difference, please click on the NRA logo
at the left, and complete the appropriate applications.
You can pay on line and save time and a stamp.
If you are using an Internet map service
or mobile GPS for
directions, the official address is
26430 Mullinix Mill Rd., Mt Airy, Md.
From Gaithersburg, Rockville, Bethesda and Northern Virginia Via
Take I-270 North to Father Hurley Blvd. (Rt 27), East toward
Damascus. Continue through Damascus but do not follow Rt. 27
North when it gets in town, just continue straight (bear right at the
Liberty Station). Once you pass the next light you are actually on Rt.108
East. Take Rt. 108 2 miles and turn left on Mullinix Mill Rd.
Take Mullinix Mil Rd. 1 1/2 miles and turn left into the driveway.
From Gaithersburg, Rockville & Bethesda Via Rt. 355:
Take Rt. 355 North toward Frederick. Just north of Gaithersburg,
near Milestone shopping center, take Rt. 27 Right toward Damascus.
Continue through Damascus but do not follow Rt. 27 North when it gets
in town, just continue straight (bear right at the Liberty Station).
Once you pass the next light you are actually on Rt.108 East. Take Rt. 108
2 miles and turn left on Mullinix Mill Rd. Take Mullinix Mil
Rd. 1 1/2 miles and turn left into the driveway.
From Gaithersburg Via Rt. 124 (Woodfield Rd.):
Take Route 124 North toward Damascus. At the light in Damascus turn
Right (East) onto Rt. 108. Take Rt. 108 about 2 miles to Mullinix Mill
Rd. Turn left on Mullinix Mill Rd. Go 1 1/2 miles and turn left into
the driveway.
From Frederick Md., West Virginia, & Western PA. Via
Take I-70 East toward Baltimore. Take Rt. 27 South toward Damascus
(also the Mt. Airy exit). Go South on Rt. 27 for 4.5 miles (CAUTION, THERE
IS A SPEED CAMERA ON RT 27 NEAR DAMASCUS). Turn left on Rt 124 at the traffic
light (Woodfield Rd.) and go the the next light, Route 108, and turn left.
Go 1.5 miles and turn left on Mullinix Mill Rd. Go 1 mile and the driveway
is in on the left.
From Baltimore, Odenton, Howard County Via I-70:
Take I-70 West toward Frederick. Take Rt. 27 South toward Damascus
(also the Mt. Airy exit). Go South on Rt. 27 for 5.6 miles (CAUTION,
THERE IS A SPEED CAMERA ON RT 27 NEAR DAMASCUS). Turn left on Rt 124 at the
traffic light (Woodfield Rd.) and go the the next light, Route 108, and turn
left. Go 1.5 miles and turn left on Mullinix Mill Rd. Go 1 mile and
the driveway is in on the left.
Take I-70 West to Exit 73, Woodbine Road, Rt. 94. Go south
(left) on Rt. 94 to Rt. 108, Damascus Road. Take a right on Rt. 108.
Go 1.6 miles and turn right onto Mullinix Mill Road. Go 1.5 miles
and turn left into the driveway.
From Prince Georges County & Northern VA Via I-495:
Take I-495 to I-270 North towards Gaithersburg and Frederick.
Next take Father Hurley Blvd. to Md. Rt. 27 North/East toward Damascus.
Continue through Damascus but do not follow Rt. 27 North when it gets
in town, just continue straight (bear right at the Liberty Station).
Once you pass the next light you are actually on Rt.108 East. Take Rt. 108
2 miles and turn left on Mullinix Mill Rd. Take Mullinix
Mil Rd. 1 1/2 miles and turn left into the driveway.
From Prince Georges County, Scenic Route:
Take New Hampshire Ave. (Route 650) West toward Ashton &
Olney. Continue on Rt. 650, cross over Rt. 108 and stay on Rt. 650.
(If you turn left onto Rt. 108, follow the directions from Silver Spring).
Eventually, (a long scenic ride), Rt. 650 ends and turns into Rt. 108 in
a small town called Etchinson (blink and it's gone). Make a right on Mullinix
Mill Rd., (first right after Long Corner Rd.). Go 1 1/2 miles and turn
left onto the driveway.
From Wheaton, Silver Spring & Olney:
Take Georgia Ave. (Rt. 97) North toward Olney. At Rt. 108, in
Olney, turn left (West) toward Laytonsville. Continue on Rt.
108 through Laytonsville until you get to the stop sign in Etchinson. Here
you turn left to continue on Rt. 108 West. (Turning right would be
New Hampshire Ave. aka Rt. 650). Continue on Rt. 108 toward Damascus and
make a Right turn onto Mullinix Mill Rd. Go 1 1/2 miles and
turn Left onto the driveway.
If you are using an Internet map service
or mobile GPS for
directions, the official address is
26430 Mullinix Mill Rd., Mt Airy, Md.
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"Adios" or as Curly Bill would say "Bye"