Cops&Cowboys |
26, 2024
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LAST PAGE UPDATE 10-29-2024 @ 1:37 PM |
Started by Tennessee Slim at the Potomac Rangers club, the Cops & Cowboys
matches were created with the goal of providing an interesting and enjoyable
opportunity to interact with the local Police Officers and First Responders that
do so much for our communities. After Tennessee Slim moved back to
Tennessee, that tradition
was picked up by Martin Blake, aka Wingdinger, when he transplanted those
matches to the Thurmont Conservation and Sportsman’s Club in Thurmont, Maryland,
the host of the Thurmont Rangers club. Carrying that tradition forward, in 2016
these matches moved to their present location and are now run by the Damascus
Wildlife Rangers and their host, the Wildlife Achievement Chapter of the Izaak
Walton League of America.
Next match will be on
Saturday, October 26, 2024,
the Wildlife Rangers 8th Annual Cops & Cowboys and will be held on
the grounds of the Wildlife Achievement Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of
America located at 26430 Mullinix Mill Rd, Mt Airy, MD, 21771. The match
will consisted of 6 courses of fire, three that will be Police oriented and three
that will have a Cowboy theme.
The match fee is $25 and includes a delicious lunch prepared by Boy Scout Troop
945 and each Pre-Registered shooter will also receive an engraved shooters
badge. Although we will accept walk-ins, we greatly encourage Pre-Registration
so we can adequately prepare for lunch and plan for the expected number of
shooters, and it’s the only way to get your personalized shooters badge. All
entry fees will be donated to an organization that supports the widows and
children of police officers and firefighters that have fallen in the line of
duty, and again this year it will be
Heroes, Inc.
The match is limited to 75 shooters and although we would love to completely
sell out the match, we understand that not everyone will have to opportunity to
participate. If you cannot compete, but want to donate to this worthy cause,
you may do so by mailing a donation, in any amount, to the same address shown
below for the Match Applications and that will be combined with the match fees
and sent to
Heroes, Inc.
There is generally some kind of theme for the match, but that is not always the
case. With the match being near Halloween, one year it was The Walking Dead,
another year it was Clint Eastwood movies. Like Forrest Gump says, “You never
know what you’re going to get!” If you would like to read what a typical match
is like, the stages for the last 7 matches can be viewed at the following links,
2022, 2023 and
The rules are simple, Be Safe and Have Fun! Cowboys will use their single
action revolvers, a shotgun (side by side, pump, or lever action) and a lever
action rifle in a pistol caliber. All cowboy firearms must meet SASS (Single
Action Shooting Society) regulations. LEO’s can use firearms typical of their
profession, a pistol or revolver, service rifle (no steel core ammo!),
and a service shotgun. No race or modified “competition” firearms. 1911
Cowboy’s may use their 1911’s, lever action rifle, and side by side or pump
shotgun (Note: Shotgun will be loaded on the clock). Cowboy dress
is required by all Cowboys and some form of Police, SWAT, or Correctional
Officer clothing is required for LEO’s. You are not required to be in full
gear, be comfortable.
The Pistol and Shotgun targets will be steel, but the rifle targets will be cardboard to accommodate the higher power rifle rounds of the Police. Each scenario, or Stage, will consist of approximately 10 Rifle Rounds, 10 Pistol Rounds, and 4 Shotgun Rounds. Typically, shotgun targets can be re-engaged if they do not fall on the first shot. The total round Count for the match will be approximately as follows:
Rifle Rounds: 60 - Cowboys All Lead – Police/First Responders
No Steel
Core Ammo!
Pistol Rounds: 60 – Cowboys All Lead – Police/First Responders All
Lead Is Preferred!
Shotgun Rounds: 24+ - Must Be All Lead and Size 7 ½ shot or smaller
(Larger Number)
The following additional information is for the Police and First Responders who may not be familiar with the rules for Cowboy Action Shooting and the special accommodations that we make for them at the match. Police/FR should have the following equipment for the match, but if something is not available, we will do our best to make appropriate accommodations.
Hearing and Eye Protection is required by all competitors and all spectators while on the ranges.
No firearms are to be carried loaded! All firearms are loaded only at the Loading Table and verified to be unloaded at the Unloading Table. Magazines may be refilled anywhere at any time.
Pistols may be carried in their holsters, empty, and with no magazine in the pistol and no round in the chamber.
All long guns are carried Muzzle Up with actions open to and from the Loading and Unloading tables.
Belt and Holster that securely holds their pistol.
2 Pistol magazines that hold at least 5 rounds each. These can be either carried on their person or staged at the location where the pistol will be shot. It is advisable to have 3 or more in case one gets dropped during the course of fire.
1 Rifle magazine that holds at least 10 rounds. It is advisable to have 2 or more in case one gets dropped during the course of fire.
It is recommended that the shotgun magazine hold at least 4 rounds, but if not, the additional rounds can be loaded on the clock like the Cowboys.
Magazine holders on either belt or vest, but if these are unavailable, the extra magazines, and additional shotgun ammo, can be pre-staged at the firing locations defined in each course of fire.
Pistols will be holstered, loaded with one magazine containing 5 rounds, with the hammer down on an empty chamber. The 2nd magazine will be swapped in, on the clock, as defined by each scenario.
Rifle will be loaded with one magazine containing 10 rounds, with the hammer down on an empty chamber and staged where indicated by the scenario.
Shotgun will be loaded with 4 rounds, hammer down on an empty chamber and staged where indicated by the scenario. Additional rounds will be loaded from ammo carried on their person or pre-staged at the firing position of the scenario.
We will do our best to team up the Cops with one of the Cowboys that has extra room on their gun carts, but that may not always be possible. Please be prepared to carry your gear between stages if necessary.
A fillable match application is available on our website as shown below. The
application can be downloaded, then opened with Adobe Reader and filled out on
your computer, then printed and mailed in with your entry fee to the address
shown on the application. You can go directly to the applications by clicking the following link,
2024 Cops & Cowboys
Application HERE.
For more information about the match or equipment
requirements, you can contact Dogmeat Dad aka Chuck Limparis by email at
DamascusWildlifeRangers@gmail.com and in the subject line, please reference
Cops & Cowboys 2023.